My month at KuBa passed by richly in the slowly unfolding spring, filled with birdsong, blossoms, scattered sunshine, and stillness. It was a wonderfully fruitful time to lean into an ever-expanding artistic language and to explore new processes, ways of moving, witnessing, and creating. Many days were passed nesting in the studio, warmed by the fire and tinkering away with the printing press, learning new techniques and reworking familiar ones. The rest of my time was spent wandering the garden and the countryside, by foot and by bike, relishing in the tranquil beauty of springtime washing over the county, swimming in the nearby lake, and generally absorbing the environment. I was able to gather a wealth of inspiration from these wanderings and also explored working directly with the landscape in order to create site specific installations in the woods and the surrounding fields. Sharon and Mika were wonderfully helpful during this time, providing resources, advice, motivation, and lovely conversations to accompany the moments of reflection and peaceful solitude.
Zuletzt aktualisiert: Juni 7, 2021 von AdminKuba2020
Zane Prater
May 2021
My month at KuBa passed by richly in the slowly unfolding spring, filled with birdsong, blossoms, scattered sunshine, and stillness. It was a wonderfully fruitful time to lean into an ever-expanding artistic language and to explore new processes, ways of moving, witnessing, and creating. Many days were passed nesting in the studio, warmed by the fire and tinkering away with the printing press, learning new techniques and reworking familiar ones. The rest of my time was spent wandering the garden and the countryside, by foot and by bike, relishing in the tranquil beauty of springtime washing over the county, swimming in the nearby lake, and generally absorbing the environment. I was able to gather a wealth of inspiration from these wanderings and also explored working directly with the landscape in order to create site specific installations in the woods and the surrounding fields. Sharon and Mika were wonderfully helpful during this time, providing resources, advice, motivation, and lovely conversations to accompany the moments of reflection and peaceful solitude.
Kategorie: artists