February 2024
The story; it would be a framed narration, that literary technique consisting of the insertion of one or more stories within a main narrative. It would be a written composition on some subject, putting into writing something that happened, bringing together various things and placing them in order to form something. And there was also musical composition, the art of combining sounds and rhythms to create a piece, another graphic representation, another system of writing. Although the Anglo-Saxon notation uses letters, unlike the Latin one that uses words. In addition to the place and its history, there was the everyday, that which refers to something daily, the habitual course of any given day in a person’s life. And there was the weather, that set of atmospheric phenomena that characterize a place over a period of time. I had a pianola roll, which is a music recording medium on perforated paper that is used to play automatically on a pianola or mechanical piano. They are strips of continuous paper, and they have strategically located perforations by their position and length that represent data on the control of the musical notes played by the pianola. And I had a Alphabet Stencil and I also had pencils. Even though we are immersed in new technologies, we still write some things by hand. Like a kakemono, those Japanese portrait-format scrolls, here appear the history of the place, along with its musical sound, the state of the weather, and some everyday event. A point is a place, this place. A line is a series of points that extends in two directions like, train tracks. A plane is this, extending between us in two, three, four, and perhaps five dimensions.
Thank you very much
Point, Line, Plane.
Marula Di Como
Feb. 2024
Zuletzt aktualisiert: Februar 20, 2024 von AdminKuba2020
Marula Di Como
February 2024
The story; it would be a framed narration, that literary technique consisting of the insertion of one or more stories within a main narrative. It would be a written composition on some subject, putting into writing something that happened, bringing together various things and placing them in order to form something. And there was also musical composition, the art of combining sounds and rhythms to create a piece, another graphic representation, another system of writing. Although the Anglo-Saxon notation uses letters, unlike the Latin one that uses words. In addition to the place and its history, there was the everyday, that which refers to something daily, the habitual course of any given day in a person’s life. And there was the weather, that set of atmospheric phenomena that characterize a place over a period of time. I had a pianola roll, which is a music recording medium on perforated paper that is used to play automatically on a pianola or mechanical piano. They are strips of continuous paper, and they have strategically located perforations by their position and length that represent data on the control of the musical notes played by the pianola. And I had a Alphabet Stencil and I also had pencils. Even though we are immersed in new technologies, we still write some things by hand. Like a kakemono, those Japanese portrait-format scrolls, here appear the history of the place, along with its musical sound, the state of the weather, and some everyday event. A point is a place, this place. A line is a series of points that extends in two directions like, train tracks. A plane is this, extending between us in two, three, four, and perhaps five dimensions.
Thank you very much
Point, Line, Plane.
Marula Di Como
Feb. 2024
Kategorie: artists